This release was focused on improving the onboarding flow.
Task feature enhancements
Improvements were made to the Tasks feature including:
Replacing the Archive button with Close
Adding the ability to search by Task ID
Added Indicator for the claim submission method
Within the claims table, it is now easy to identify claims that were submitted manually versus auto-submitted claims. If a claim was auto-submitted, the auto-submission icon will appear beside the claim. If the claim was submitted manually, the auto-submission icon will be absent.
Pre-Appointment check notification update
Today, notifications are when pre-appointment checks are complete. This value is now configurable and set to
Gentem/SimplePractice Updates
Implemented /PaymentReconciliation modify Webhook
SimplePractice will now notify Gentem of payments posted in SimplePractice and this will be used to post payments in Gentem real time. Previously payments were pulled weekly.
Update Historical Sync Criteria
The historical sync criteria for SimplePractice customers has been updated from 7 days before go-live to the moment that the SimplePractice Organization ID is populated.
Created Quicksight Dashboard to Present Historical Claim Data to RCM
A Quicksight dashboard was created to assist in the historical claim data review for customers being onboarded.
This dashboard includes data for 60 days prior to go-live and the following data elements:
Rendering Provider Name
Rendering Provider NPI
Supervising Provider Name
Supervising Provider NPI
Billing Provider Name
Billing Provider NPI
Place of Service
Date of Service
CPT codes
Total Charges
Status (paid, denied, rejected, etc)
Payer (Primary)